Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Badger State Primary I

I'm going to be doing a number of posts on the Wisconsin primary as the numbers come in and more maps are available. Obviously, a big win for Obama. Looking at the county by county results map and returns one sees how widespread his win was. Of the 72 Wisconsin counties, he only lost 10. There wasn't really a concentration of weakness other than the fact that these were overwhelmingly rural counties with a significant elderly population--the one demographic that he is still not performing well with. His big source of strength, as one would expect, was in Milwaukee and Dane counties. Also, though, as the exit polling is suggesting, Obama cut significantly into Clinton's support among working class and union voters. If you look at the counties where one finds significant numbers of these types of Democratic voters--Brown, Kenosha, Rock, Racine, Sheboygan, one sees that Obama won all of these.

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